Friday, September 26, 2008


Hello there,

Thank you for coming to visit our blog. On this site we are talking about the AIM Companies™ and the excellent health products that they make. We will also tell you about what these products have done for us personally and our friends and relatives.

It's no secret that the world is in a health crisis with heart attacks, cancer, diabetes and other serious health issues affecting us all over the globe, and medical science is still unable to provide any answers. Or is it?

If you are looking for the magic pill to pop, science is not there yet, but there is a string of research that is coming from all over the globe that is proving that the majority of these deadly health issues are choice diseases. In other words, you brought this upon yourself.

How you might ask? It's all about what you eat.

Science has proved that eating a high fruit and vegetable diet, with little animal protein and dairy is the answer to preventing all these deadly diseases. You can see why this research is not popular and therefore doesn't get the attention that it deserves. It doesn't change the truth however, so for the moment, it seems to come down to us, as individuals and the choices that we make regarding our own health. We can't trust the advertising telling us what is good, the doctors don't really know since they have studied medicine and it's effects on the human body not nutrition, and so it's up to you and me to make it happen for ourselves.

In his book "The China Study", Dr. Colin Campbell who conducted experimental research into nutrition and health, states that "vitamins and nutrient supplements do not give you long-term protection against disease" (Page 2) On page 94 he again states that family's with low vitamin C levels in their blood are more likely to have a high risk of cancer. He later goes on to say: "In other words, can a pill containing vitamin C and beta-carotene or a fiber supplement create these health effects? No. The triumph of health lies not in the individual nutrients, but in the whole foods that contain those nutrients: plant-based foods. In a bowl of spinach salad, for example, we have fiber, antioxidants and countless other nutrients that are orchestrating a wondrous symphony of health as they work in concert within our bodies. The message could not be simpler: eat as many whole fruits, vegetables and whole grains as you can, and you will probably derive all the benefits noted above as well as many others.

I have been making this point about the health value of whole plant based foods ever since vitamin supplements were introduced on a large scale in the marketplace. And I have watched in dismay how the industry and the media convince so many Americans that these products represent the same good nutrition as do whole, plant-based foods. As we shall see in the later chapters, the promised health benefits of taking single-nutrient supplements are proving to be highly questionable. The “take-home message” : if you want vitamin C or beta-carotene, don’t reach for the pill bottle-reach for the fruit or leafy green vegetable."

Enter AIM and its brilliant product range....

For 25 years the AIM Companies™ has been committed to providing superior nutritional products that support Whole Body Health. Aim offers a range of products that have been harvested with state-of-the-art equipment when their nutrients are most potent and alive. Within minutes, the leaves are juiced (not milled, as in many other competitor products) and processed using the most advanced and efficient cooling processing method for maximum freshness and nutrition. The juice is then spray-dried, using a special, low temperature process. This preservs the delicate balance of nutrients and phytochemicals. These nutrient-dense, whole foods become the ideal fast food.

So we can see that single nutrient supplements don’t work, but here is a range of whole food products offering the same ease and convenience as the single supplements.

I, Stephen, and my wife Denise used to be caught up in the vitamin pill web, with our own collection of side effects. We were both overweight and I used to have stomach ulcers, acid reflux, intense stomach pains, blood sugar levels that fluctuated like the Rand/Dollar exchange rate. Denise had migraines, mood swings, depression, PMS and bad skin. Yet we used to spend hundreds of rands monthly all in the name of keeping “healthy”

It wasn’t until a day in September 2004 that our road to true health began. I suffered a panic/anxiety attack which feels exactly like a heart attack. After being rushed to the emergecy section of our hospital, they sent me home 2 hours later with “you had a panic attack, go and see a cardiologist to be sure, but you should live." When we enquired what we needed to do to prevent a reaccurance of such frightening episode, the doctor on duty said “I'm not sure, perhaps drink more enegade, especially when exercising” We went through a period of 6 months where I suffered many minor panic attacks, many sleepless nights and another full on, severe panic attack in my car in peak hour traffic.

We began a health walk looking for answers, when we stumbled upon a lady by the name of Mary-Anne Shearer who is a leading health expert in South Africa and author of 7 books. We emailed her and she recommended I call her husband Mark, because he used to also suffer panic attacks. When I called him, his advice was to drop the caffeine and sugar, go and see a natural way consultant and take something called BarleyLife.

Sue, the Natural Way consultant we went to see, helped us sign up to AIM and order the garden trio (a pack consisting of BarleyLife, Just Carrots and Redibeets) which arrived the following day. Four years, after following Mary-Ann’s principles in her books and daily drinking a garden trio mix on a daily basis, mostly twice a day, I have fully recovered all panic/anxiety symptoms, am medication free and have lost 25kg in the process, all my other ailments, have dissapeared and I find I cope better with stress than those around me. The shaking, due to fluctuating blood sugar levels dissapeared a couple of months into changing my diet, cutting out he sugar, caffience and refined, processed foods. I also found the Barley to have a stabilizing effect on my sugar, and I feel great! Denise has lost 15kg, no longer suffers from her frequent migraines, no more mood swings, reduced PMS and her skin has completely cleared up to such an extent that she no longer blows the budget on the likes of expensive cosmetics, creams and potions. As a matter of fact she has gained the confidence to barely wear any make-up. She also had bad pigmentation on the side of your forehead due to teenage sunworshiping. Shortly after taking the barley she discovered this sun damage fade, and has continued to do so. We can honestly say that we have found a way of life, and products that back it up that we are so grateful for. We would never look back and only wish we had been introduced to this way of life earlier!

After 4 years of having changed our diets, we have noticed that the people that are most serious about health and implementing changes, are those who have suffered some sort of major health issue and are generally glad to be still be alive. Our advice… Don’t be foolish, bad health catches up to everyone. Sooner or later you will pay the price for your lifestyle choices, statistics show it’s getting us earlier and earlier in life. Problem is that so many of us never get a second chance, so go ahead and make some simple changes in your life and you will never look back. I know we never will!

Where do you start? Our advice is:

Please feel free to contact us for any further information that you may need. We would love to help you on your way to a truly healthy lifestyle.

Stephen and Denise Cross

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Stephen's Story

Once upon a time I was a normal guy. Or so I thought. I ate what everyone else ate, I drank what others drank. Maybe I ate more chocolate and drank more coke than beer, but aside from that, I was normal. Little did I know that I was setting myself up for a health disaster.

It came in the form of a panic attack, disguised itself under a load of work pressure and a trip to the gym where I climbed on the rowing machine and rowed for an hour. Being an ex-rower and having never been beaten on the rowing machine, I wore my name of "Steroid King" with pride and so I assumed I knew what I was doing. I went home that night knowing I had done something serious. Work got in the way, as we were implementing SAP, and my side of it, the order confirmations, was going horribly wrong. It took a week of this when I sat back in my chair one particularly stressful day and thought “Oh God, what is this horrible feeling?”

I decided to go and get it checked out immediately and not wanting to alarm anyone, I got in my car and left for the doctor, who happened to be 30kms away. I got half way. Thankfully there was a cop on the highway and I pulled up behind him because I could go no further. It felt like 100 tons were sitting on my chest, I couldn’t breathe, my mouth was dry and I had pins and needles all down my left arm. “I’m having a heart attack” I squeaked at the cop. He sprung into action and put some orange cones behind my car, radioed someone, and after that he seemed clueless. Thankfully my wife phoned back, I had been talking to her all the way telling her to book me an appointment with the doctor, so I motioned him to take the phone. She got there in record time and they pushed me over and she drove me to hospital with him escorting us. They stuck things in my arm and pills down my throat and let me out 2 hours later with the diagnosis of a panic attack. Not being familiar with the term, I asked how many of these cases they treated a day, the answer was about 8.

I was home from October 2004 until December trying to recover from it; I just couldn’t face anything stressful. We went on holiday in December, but on the first Friday afternoon of my first week back at work, I drove onto the highway and it was at a total standstill. I felt a cold shiver down my spine and thought “Oh no, not again!” I crawled all the way home again where Denise wanted to know what had happened to me, because I was as white as a ghost when I walked through the door. This began a series of mini-attacks where every week I would suffer another one, and it would take me a week to recover. It started to progress into my sleep where I would be sleeping perfectly and without dreaming anything bad would suddenly start awake in a mad panic and that would be the end of any sleep for the night. I would drift off to sleep and as soon as I did that, I would start awake again. This went on night after night.

After 2 months of this Denise and I were both sleep deprived wrecks. Eventually one very desperate day we decided that we need to see our doctor. He cheerfully and confidently prescribed Prozac to me, and said I would be on it for the rest of my life, then proceeded to describe a few of the side effects I could look forward to like no sex drive. I don't need to tell you what this does to a guy, so you must know I was desperate to still go ahead and pop the pills. He also said that he had patients that couldn’t go outside their house; another couldn’t leave her room because of fear that they would have another panic attack. Sounds great, doesn't it… Yet, I was so relieved for some form of solution that I cried like a baby… okay maybe not like a baby, but you get the picture.

For 2 weeks, life seemed better until one night I woke up with the shivers. I’m not a cold person at all, yet in the middle of summer I was freezing, I put on every piece of warm clothing I could find and more blankets yet nothing helped. The next morning I phoned the doctor and his great advice was to increase the dose of this stuff! It concerned me that he didn't even suggest I see him first, over the phone he put the loaded gun in my hand and said fire away Jack!

That was the turning point where we decided to take our health into our own hands. Denise emailed Mary-Anne Shearer and she told us to contact Mark her husband because he also used to suffer panic attacks. Up to this point we hadn’t heard about anyone really recovering from this still to us, strange phenomena. Rather they were just coping with the condition, so I was immediately interested. Mark was very friendly and helpful. He said that he would go for a business meeting at a coffee shop, drink a cup of the best, and by the time he reached his car, he would have a full blown attack. He told me to drop all caffeine, sugar and to contact Sue, the Natural Way Health Consultant in our area. He also said I must start taking Barley Life, preferbly the Garden Trio right away. I was like "Garden what?" Yet, at the same time would have taken just about anything to get well.

We went to see, Sue, the Natural Way Consultant closest to us. She went through the list of side effects that Prozac has, one of them being panic attacks! How's that? The very thing this stuff is supposed to help me recover from causes them! I was shocked! I won't bore you with the rest of the list, but let's just say that my lack of sex drive would have been the least of my worries. She ran through our diets, gave us a new eating plan compromising of lots of fruit and veg. We also signed up and placed our first AIM order.

We changed doctors and the new doctor said she can medicate or I’m going to have to do the work to get over this. We immediately said we will work. She gave me less addictive pills to replace the Prozac, and sent me to a shrink to help. He was great, he told us what this panic attack was, how to start dealing with it and my personal favorite – it won’t kill you. That info really helped!

So we started putting all this info together with our new eating plan and the Barley. We were taking it twice a day and I found that it really helped. In my previous life, I really couldn’t picture how I could eat properly, but it came so easy and I loved it. I started feeling much better. I started reducing the medication, and eventually one day when it had finished, I was on my way to work and the highway was a standstill. Right then and there I had my second panic attack. Denise can to fetch me and took me off to the doctor again, who drugged me up and sent me home.

It took a while for the medication to finally wear out of my system, but once it was out, I felt much better. With a panic attack, there is a trigger, and my one trigger was being stuck on the highway. But I had another one. I was convinced that my heart was going to pack up at any second. This was the more intense fight to overcome, and I went through this awful phase where as soon as I left work, I would suddenly have this shift in my wellbeing, like a click and suddenly I was out of phase – like anti-matter – I was still here but not here, like I could die at any second, like my life was hanging on a thread on its last leg. This was a very scary phase and I had this continual stabbing pain in my chest and this brought on huge fear too. I had countless trips to the doc who would give me an ECG jus to make me feel better and send me home. It made me feel better just to sit in the waiting room, knowing there is help at and if I should suddenly have a heart attack.

Slowly and surely it dawned on me that I’m not going to die, all the medical profession told me this, the cardiologist had confirmed my heart is healthy, but fear is another monster to face altogether. This is where the Barley and Garden Trio really helped. I would just have a good dose and go to bed. I had figured out that I will feel better in the morning. I also saw that if I took the Barley at night, I slept better, and woke up better and felt much better than if I didn’t take it at night. So that all the proof I needed. I now take Barley night and day.

My work suddenly decided that I need to go to Germany for a course, but this was right over the time of my 5th anniversary. Work had already stolen 2, so this would put the total back in works favor and we couldn’t have that. I spoke to my boss who said I should take Denise with and have a holiday after that. What a great idea! We started planning and planned to go from Germany to Venice for 1 day, Florence 1 day, a B&B in Tuscany 1 day, back to Florence to catch the train back to Venice to fly to Paris for 1 day to London 3 days, and finally off to Cambridge for 4 days to see my brother and sister. While I was at the Germany hotel with fruit, I was ok, but the other places didn’t have fruit and with such a hectic schedule, I started taking strain. I would spend € 10 for 2 apples and a bunch of grapes. All I can say is thank God for the Barley life, it was such a help. I don’t know if I would have made it without it!

Back home again, my final recover was a trip to the physiotherapist who said I am hunching at my desk and that would affect my chest about here as he ran his figures along one of my ribs and pointed to a spot which was the exact spot where I got most of the chest pain. He did his thing and for the first time in a year I was finally pain and fear free. It was wonderful to feel great, and my health just got better and better from this point.

It’s now 4 years later and I will not go back to my old ways. I understand I was poisoning my life with bad food choices and it will catch up to you. I have found such reward in taking my health into my own hands and eating right. I feel great, look much better, and I have so much more energy. I am so thankful for this intervention that got me to see a better way now while I could still make choices. I encourage you to do the same without waiting for your body to start giving you some warning signs. Most don’t listen.

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Introducing the new high protein green leaf whole food concentrate from Aim – a healthy alternate to whey, soy, egg and animal protein!

This unique new product is well worth considering for those wanting:

  • A high protein concentrate without the negative effects of acidosis and bone density loss of animal proteins

  • Quick recovery from exercise and training

  • To support healthy vision, skin, hair, bones and teeth

  • To reduce atherosclerosis (thickening and hardening of the arteries)

  • To prevent age-related macular degeneration and cataracts

  • To reduce the effects of allergies and inflammation

  • To relieve the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia

  • To reduce the risk of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s

  • To regulate blood sugar

Interested? Read on….
Protein speeds up repair and recovery of muscles.
Animal proteins however increase the likelihood of cancer, heart disease and osteoporosis.
LeafGreens combines the benefits of spinach, field pea, faba bean and barley leaves to work synergistically for optimum health benefits.
LeafGreens contain 50% protein (compared to: chicken 23%, beef 22%, salmon 19%, soybeans 36%)
Animal proteins are high in sulphur which increases acidity in the blood, causing calcium to be reabsorbed from the bones, resulting in loss of bone density.
LeafGreens ensures a complete protein that alkalizes the blood, preventing loss of bone density.
Most protein concentrates use harsh acid and base chemicals, resulting in denatured or degraded proteins.
AIM uses ultra-cold filtration that preserves the proteins, amino acids and other nutrients.

Spinach leaf is rich in:

  • Vitamin A Supports vision, skin, hair, bones and teeth

  • Choline & Inositol (B vit) Helps fight atherosclerosis (thickening & hardening of arteries)

  • Flavonoids Defence against certain cancers

  • Lutein Defence against macular degeneration & cataracts (contains 5mg Lutein per serving)

Faba Bean Leaf is rich in:

  • Quercetin which iInhibits the production and release of histamines, thereby reducing the symptoms of allergy and inflammation. Inhibits aggregation of platelets in blood vessels, improving circulation. Relieves inflammation in arthritic joints. Symptomatic relief in rheumatoid arthritis & fibromyalgia. Eases symptoms of gout sufferers by reducing the production of uric acid

  • L-Dopa Helpful in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease

Field pea leaf is rich in:

  • Kaempferol Inhibits oxidation of LDL, reducing atherosclerosis. Assists with water-sodium balance in the blood, assisting kidney function, and blood glucose levels.

Barley Leaf is rich in:

  • Vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids, proteins, enzymes, chlorophyll & phytochemicals

  • Vitamin K essential in utilization of calcium for healthy bones, blood clotting and wound healing

LeafGreens and BarleyLife can be take in combination, best at different times of the day.
Those on blood thinning medication need to regulate their intake of vitamin K. If unsure, consult your physician

Filtration process removes most sugars, making it safe for diabetics

Friday, September 19, 2008

Leaf Greens

  • AIM LeafGreens™ is an all-natural juice concentrate that combines the leaves of four young plants to create a wide spectrum of nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and a balanced plant-based protein, all for whole-body health. AIM uses ultra cold filtration below 44°F (6°C) to convert 44 pounds of green leaves into one pound of AIM LeafGreens™. By blending the nutrient-dense leaves of spinach, faba bean, field pea, and barley, AIM LeafGreens™ harnesses the potency of each component to provide superior levels of iron, chromium, protein, chlorophyll, and vitamins A and K. The result is a product that supports healthy kidney function, proper bone density, oxidation of bad cholesterol, and resistance to damage caused by free radicals. Leaves are the most abundant source of vital nutrients found on Earth and AIM LeafGreens™ provides an amazing 3 grams of protein and 60 mg of chlorophyll in every 6 gram serving.

  • AIM LeafGreens™ facts
    In each 6-gram serving of AIM LeafGreens™, you get:

  • • More iron than 18 servings of spinach or 44 servings of broccoli

  • •More riboflavin than a plate of romaine lettuce (two cups)

  • • More beta carotene than found in 12 servings of broccoli or 16 servings of zucchini

  • • More vitamin K than 14 servings of asparagus or 50 servings of peas

  • • As much folic acid as four servings of peas

  • • A balanced amino acid profile with 50 percent protein content

  • • Superior levels of chlorophyll for overall health

  • • Antioxidants to fight free radical damage

  • • Only 20 calories

  • The Process

  • What makes this product different fromanything on the market today? AIM uses an exclusive ultra cold filtration technique. The juice is chilled to below 44 degrees Fahrenheit and concentrated through a series of filters. The ultra cold filtration unit pushes water, salt, sugars, and some potassium through a semi-permeable, thin layer membrane. Substances are separated when pressure is applied across the membrane, concentrating the remaining leaf juices. With the removal of these unwanted compounds, the juice can be further concentrated to create a viscous slurry of leaf juice. This slurry is then spray-dried into a powder at a low temperature. This mechanical process uses no chemicals or additives, the only addition is pressure. Through this concentration process, it takes 44 pounds of leaves to make one pound of AIM LeafGreens™. More leaves equal more nutrition.

Sunday, September 14, 2008